SonoAnalyzer Pro, OE and Free - version 1.6.2 released
Announcing the release of SonoAnalyzer Pro, OE and Free, all now at version 1.6.2.
This update includes various small improvements / bug-fixes and introduces a new user-defined profiled disk model for SonoAnalyzer Pro (ie. SonoAnalyzer Pro is required to create a new design; OE and Free are capable of displaying results of a saved analysis).
Upgrade is recommended. Further details are shown below.
Enhancement: New user-defined profiled disk ("PlusD") model
This is a modified version of the existing user-defined #3 sonotrode, with dimensional ranges changed to increase diameters and reduce lengths. The new model is suitable for disks up to 500 mm diameter, with a limited range of shape profiles (a new model to be released in future will allow for more flexibility in the profile). As for the user-defined sonotrode model on which it's based, the new model allows for an internal hole or profile and may be combined with other sections to form a stack.
- Pro only: Poor mesh quality for certain geometries: On the #3 sonotrode models, for certain types of geometry, poor-quality finite-element meshes would be generated. This was mainly an issue for the new ring model as the effect is greatest on large-radius, small length sections, but would also apply to some user-defined profiles of the other models. The problem has been identified and fixed in version 1.6.2.
- All versions: Missing model information in saved Pro models: When Pro models were saved, either as .sa (model) or .saz (results) files, the additional information relating to number of modes to expand and frequency range was not being saved. As long as default values are used, this has little effect but once any of these parameters are changed (eg. to evaluate higher-frequency modes) the setting would not be retained and would need to be reset manually after a restart or when the model is loaded on another PC. On SonoAnalyzer Free / OE this made loading results files impossible where non-default settings had been used, since the settings are only accessible in Pro. This has now been rectified and new versions of the results file examples released.
- Pro only: Fixed a pop-up warning about modes within the specified frequency range (correct the first time it appeared, but not on each subsequent redraw!)
- Pro only: Fixed Calculate-button mis-labelled (showing "Calculate" where it should have been "Redraw")
- Pro only: On user-defined profile, changes to blend radii did not automatically trigger redraw / recreation of geometry.
Known issues
Opening a SonoAnalyzer results file (.saz) in SonoAnalyzer using the file association (ie. double-clicking on a .saz file in order to open it in SonoAnalyzer) appears not to work in some cases. For now, please run SonoAnalyzer and open the .saz file through the menu option (File -> Open) instead.
Information for current SonoAnalyzer OE / Pro users:
Your updated file download is shown under Files in "My account". The filenames are "SonoAnalyzerOE-setup.exe" and "SonoAnalyzerProR-setup.exe". Please log into your account to download the new file. Uninstalling any / all previous versions is recommended before installing this one. Your saved settings, including the license key, should not be affected by the removal / installation.
Information for current SonoAnalyzer Free users:
The updated file download is now available from the Power Ultrasonics download site. The filename is SonoAnalyzerFree-setup.exe (as before) and the new MD5 is 22ab17507578485246268feef9bb662a. Uninstalling any / all previous versions is recommended before installing this one.
On starting SonoAnalyzer Free, if you get the warning message "SonoAnalyzer has failed to update program data...", please delete the file "sonoAnalyzer.jar" from the directory "Users\Your name\AppData\Roaming\.PowerUltrasonics" - it will be replaced automatically.